The 20th Alaska Bird Conference is now accepting abstracts for in person oral and poster presentations (there is not a virtual or hybrid option for this conference but submitting pre-recorded talks might be possible). We are also accepting proposals for workshops and special topical sessions within the program. Abstracts relevant to Alaska birds are welcome from students, Indigenous knowledge holders, scientists, and others. With a conference theme of “Bring Birds Back,” presentations should be related to birds that spend all or part of their life cycle in Alaska and can focus on topics such as co-stewardship, status, trends, conservation, human dimensions research, contaminants, education and outreach, genetics, habitat, behavior, migration, population biology, rural priorities for birds, or subsistence and harvest. A primary objective of the conference is to share new information, thus preliminary results and summaries of ongoing work are acceptable. All submissions must be presented by one of the named authors on the abstract. The Alaska Bird Conference gives awards for the best student oral and poster presentations.
All abstracts must be received no later than Monday, 2 October 2023. Proposals for workshops and special sessions must be received by Monday, 3 July 2023 (send these to John Pearce, USGS Alaska Science Center, You will receive an e-mail acknowledgment and information on abstract acceptance for the conference within one week of submission. All presenters of papers and posters must register for the conference and registration opens on 8 September 2023.
We look forward to seeing you at the Alaska Bird Conference!
Abstract Format and Information:
The entire document must be in Times 12-pt font and left justified with one-inch margins. Place title first, in bold font. Skip one line; list the author(s), using the format shown below. Use numbered superscripts after each last name if there are two or more authors and they have different addresses. Bold the presenting author’s name. Skip one line and type the full address(es) of the author(s) as well as the email address of the presenter. Limit the entire abstract (title, author names and addresses, and body of abstract) to 250 words. Please proofread carefully. For more information, or if you have difficulties in submitting your abstract as per these guidelines, please contact John Pearce (USGS Alaska Science Center) at
All oral presentations will be scheduled for 15 minutes, including questions from the audience (12 min. talk + 3 min. question and answer). Poster size and other suggested formatting will be available on the meeting website beginning in early October.
Email your abstract as a Microsoft Word attachment using the following naming convention: first and last name of the first author (e.g. rusty_blackbird.doc). If you are the first author for multiple submissions, sequentially number each file (e.g. rusty_blackbird1.doc and rusty_blackbird2.doc). Email abstracts to John Pearce (USGS Alaska Science Center) at Please include “ABC 2023 abstract” in the subject line of the email.
EXAMPLE abstract submission
Bring Birds Back: Alaska’s Role and Contributions
Rusty Blackbird1, Les R. Scaup1, and Ross S. Goose2
1Institute of Landbird Ecology, East Minto University, Tanana, Alaska;
2Department of Duckology, University of the Great North, Utqiaġvik, Alaska
Your abstract should include the primary purpose of the presentation, any key activities or results, and the main conclusions. Try to minimize scientific jargon and methods. Please limit the text of the abstract to 250 words.
Required additional information at the bottom of the abstract:
Topic Category of Presentation: Provide one or two topic categories from the following list that your presentation might fit into that we can consider as we design the conference program:
- Co-stewardship
- Status and Trends
- Conservation
- Human dimensions
- Education and outreach
- Habitat
- Migration
- Breeding biology
- Rural priorities for birds
- Subsistence
- Other
Format (choose one): POSTER, ORAL, EITHER
Desire to submit oral talk in pre-recorded format: Yes or No
We will try to honor choice of format but may decide that an oral talk be changed to a poster depending on number of oral presentations submitted. If we have many submissions, we may also decide to not present pre-recorded talks.
Students: Indicate whether the presenter is a current student, including institution and expected degree (e.g. B.S., M.S., Ph.D.) to be considered for the Best Student Presentation and Poster awards.
Additional Equipment Needed? Please specify.