Order your official Alaska Bird Conference logo shirts today! Choose from a variety of styles, colors, and sizes. Each product is made from high quality 60/40 cotton and poly blend with quality ink lettering. Remember – $5.00 from each purchase price goes directly to help sponsor the Alaska Bird Conference through a reduced registration fee for students!
HINT: Want to save money on shipping costs? Select “Ship my order to the address selected by seller” and you can pick-up your purchase at the registration desk during the conference.
Our logo consists of a beautiful drawing of a Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) created by Ms. Alexandra (Sasha) Munters (http://www.sashaparula.com) and layout design by Grace Rodgers. The Lesser Yellowlegs is a Neotropical migrant that breeds in the boreal forest of Alaska and Canada and migrates to Central and South America to winter. Recent estimates from migration surveys from eastern USA and Canada suggest the species has declined 60-80% over the past 50 years, and data from Alaska suggests a 5.3% decline within the Northwestern Interior Forest Bird Conservation Region. This species like no other speaks to the need to bring birds back through concerted research, conservation, and education throughout its annual cycle.
Sales page: https://www.bonfire.com/alaska-bird-conference-2023